Legacy Wellness Partners

"A Group Dedicated to Helping Others Discover Wellness Alternatives!"

   The FREE SURVEY, "Which Products & Services Do You Use?" is a partial list of the

 over 400 ALL NATURAL products available through the "ONLINE WELLNESS CLUB.   

Request it and take a few minutes to check all the essential products and services you use on a regular basis then CLICK "SUBMIT" and immediately receive the potential savings

you might realize by taking the same money you're shopping with now and use it to shop

Online for 100% ALL NATURAL TOXIN FREE products.


 Don't wait until illness strikes.  Ben Franklin once said,

"An Ounce of PREVENTION is BETTER than a Pound of CURE"

Your Health Matters! What is it really worth?

Without your Health nothing else matters.  

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!!

There's NO OBLIGATION just valuable information you're entitled to!  



Before I answer that question, please take time to watch the following short 3:06 minute video, that

    we watched and ultimately changed our lives.   This family could be yours, IT WAS OURS!    

Grab a pen and paper so you can make a list of the toxins mentioned, as we did the second

time we watched it, to see if any of the toxins are in the products you currently use.

"Toxins in Your Products...Did You Know?"

#1 - 3.06 Minutes

An Short Introduction to....


#2 - 2.28 Minutes

Welcome and Thanks for Visiting Our Site!

Did you catch the age of the 10 Americans whose blood was tested? 

The shocking news can be found right at the end of the video or on the top of the attached Documented Report.     CLICK HERE! - For the Documented Report 

Individuals have asked, "Why does the Federal Government (FDA) allow products to be 

manufactured and sold that contain toxic chemicals?".   Great question!  Follow the money? 


                                                                                          by Johnny White

                                Our journey began in 1995 when my wife was 1st diagnosed with a rare form of 

                                cancer, called a Maltoma. It first manifested in her left saliva gland. Three months

                                later it came back on her tongue.  The picture on the left shows how it came back

                                on the right side with a vengeance in 2012. Since 1995 she has fought & won  4 

                                separate battles plus the removal of her gall bladder in 2013. 


Now back to the story.  We were desperate, so we prayed for direction because we

knew we had to make some immediate changes in our lifestyle if we wanted to see any

improvement in her health  and well-being.  In 1996 we were introduced to Dr. Yoshihide

Hagiwara, a Japanese Research Pharmacologist, who founded the Original Barleygreen.  

After researching the products and hearing his personal story of recovery we began ordering his

Organically grown Trio of Products, Barleygreen, Beta Carrots, and Beta Beets, which we

still use today.  CLICK HERE! to watch Dr. Hagiwara's "GREEN REVOLUTION".

We continued our journey, not knowing where it would eventually take us.  We knew there had to

be more that we didn't know, so we continued praying and searching.  I came across the video,

"TOXINS IN OUR PRODUCTS - Did you know?"  And NO, we didn't know and were shocked 

to learn the essential products we were using everyday contained dangerous toxic chemicals.  We 

knew we had to get rid of them so we began searching for a place where we could shop for quality,

 non-toxic, all natural products to replace what we were using without breaking the bank. 

You're probably wondering WHAT COMPANY DID YOU FIND?

Now for the rest of the story!  Our prayers were answered when a Legacy Wellness Partner,

Jack Maitland, told us about an Online Wellness Shopping Club, where we could shop for

100% ALL NATURAL TOXIN FREE products to replace the ones we were already using

     He told us we could try them during a 90 Day Trial Period with a 100% money back product          satisfaction guarantee. We had nothing to lose.  He said all we had to do was set up our personal Online Store that came with our Membership, switch brands and take the money we were already using to shop with and use it to shop online directly with the Manufacturer and Distributor. 

Besides the comfort and convenience of shopping from home, as a Preferred Member we

could expect a savings of 30% to 50%. It was a WIN-WIN-WIN, so we became Members and

began shopping from home, and we've never looked back.  NO MASK REQUIRED to shop.

Instead, we're looking forward to helping others on their journey to discover a better quality

of health and wellness. We were so impressed, then and now, with the quality of products and

the integrity of the company we want to share our experience with others. The great thing is

we aren't required or even allowed to buy and warehouse any products for resell.

The ONLY INVESTMENT required was our annual membership fee of $19.00.

Now we're not only aware and watching what we put in our bodies for better nutrition we're also aware and watching what we put on our bodies and the quality of the air we breathe in our home. 

Our routine involves taking the Barleygreen Trio of Products daily, order our essential products monthly from The Online Wellness Shopping Club, share my wife's story of survival with those

who will listen and tell the story of The Wellness Shopping Club and how it's changed our lives.

Other Testimonials are available from individuals who were using inhalers 5-6 times each 

day for years, some since childhood who quit using them completely.  If you know of 

anyone with Asthma, Skin Rash, Acid Reflux, or Migraine Headaches we have 

permission to share their testimonials as well or you can share this webpage

with them.  Just check the appropriate box on the Comment Form below.

We believe that Health and Wellness are undeniably linked. We believe to achieve WELLNESS 

tomorrow, we've got to make better choices and form new habits today. 

It's not enough to just live a long life and not live a Healthy Life.

So, our Mission is to help others make good choices and changes when needed

so, they can add years to their life and life to their years.

Please watch this short 46 second video!

Key information to watch for is the age of the individuals whose blood was being tested.

Legacy Health Partners Disclaimer

The statements and products on this website www.lwp-2020.com have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and statements on this website are not intended

to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. If you choose to use any of the information or products displayed on this website or in any of our literature without the

approval of a health care professional, you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right, but Legacy Health Partners assumes absolutely no responsibility. 


To make GOOD CHOICES you must gather the information you need to make an informed decision. You can begin by taking the 1st step by REQUESTING the FREE SURVEY of the "Products & Services" you currently use.  


1.  CT Chest - No suspicious lung nodule or mass. 2. CT Abdomen - No abdominal
ascites. 3. No aggressive appearing Osseous lesion. 4. Stable examination without

any evidence of active disease.   Dr. told her based on CT Scan Report that she is

Her Doctor told her to keep doing whatever she's been doing because it's working.                                       

Following is the story of my wife's journey from cancer victim to WELLNESS WARRIOR

 She fought 4 separate battles over an 8 - 9 year period and finally won the war.  She has now been cancer FREE for 12 years.  We pray you find it inspirational and informative.